The Health sector is the largest employer in the borough, employing 7,000 people locally (10.4% of all employment in the borough). There are 165 businesses registered in this sector.

Jobs in the sector are mostly based in hospitals and East Surrey Hospital is a very large local employer and is part of the Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (SASH).  They provide emergency and non-emergency services to the residents of East Surrey, North-East West Sussex, and South Croydon, including the major towns of Crawley, Horsham, Reigate and Redhill.

Job roles include:

  • Services of medical and paramedical staff
  • Services of laboratory and technical facilities
  • Emergency room services
  • Operating room services
  • Pharmacy services
  • Food and other hospital services

Nursing is a key role within this sector.  To become a nurse you can take a degree or degree apprentice.

Related Employers

The Children’s Trust

NHS Surrey and Sussex Healthcare

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